Portrait of the architect Jacques Joseph Vivroux

Barthélémy Vieillevoye

This beautifully executed portrait represents two leading artistic figures from the town of Verviers. Barthélémy Vieillevoye was a painter working in Verviers during the first half of the 19th century. He completed numerous portraits there, including this one of the architect Joseph Vivroux, who built the theatre in the Place Verte. This canvas has joined the collections of the future Biolley Museum in Verviers, thanks to support from the Summa Villa Fund.

A famous architect

Rather realistic in style, this portrait in oil on canvas was made by Josef Barthélémy Vieillevoye and portrays the famous Liege architect Jacques Joseph Vivroux (1765-1835). The painting is typical of 19th century portraits as well as of those made by Vieillevoye. Vivroux is painted head and shoulders, in a slightly three-quarters position, appearing as a mature man and wearing classic clothes. His gentle gaze and the hint of a smile confer a certain vivacity to this beautifully-executed painting.

Of historical and heritage interest

Both the painter and the sitter in this portrait are of interest and both are linked to the town of Verviers. Vieillevoye was born in Verviers in 1798 and he remained in Verviers after training at the Fine Arts Academy of Antwerp. The architect Vivroux, on the other hand, was born in Liege but left his mark on Verviers after he settled there with his son to build the theatre in the Place Verte. Vivroux and his son also designed the Chapelle Sainte-Anne and the Pont de Chêne.

Enriching the collections of the museums in Verviers

This portrait was acquired by the Summa Villa Fund, managed by the King Baudouin Foundation. The Fund has as its mission to protect the cultural and natural heritage of Verviers. It is also involved with the restoration of the Hôtel de Biolley in Verviers and its transformation into a museum. A as such is focused on the acquisition of 18th and 19th century works of art and the decorative arts. The Hôtel de Biolley is a listed 18th century building and has been turned into a museum thanks to a joint initiative of the Summa Villa Fund, the Walloon Heritage Agency, the Walloon Region, the Wallonie-Bruxelles Federation and the town of Verviers. The acquisition of exceptional pieces will strengthen its national position as a multidisciplinary museum. The Hôtel de Biolley already has in its possession some thirty works by Barthélémy Vieillevoye and this portrait of Jacques Joseph Vivroux will complete the collection.

Oil on canvas
55 x 45 cm
Type of acquisition: 
Acquired by the Summa Villa Fund
Year of acquisition: 
Depository institution: 
Musée Biolley, Verviers