Having only recently reappeared, this unique collection of songs will henceforth be known as the Leuven Songbook. A Léon Courtin - Marcelle Bouché Fund acquisition.
'La Sphinge', the only colour drawing made by Félicien Rops for his series Les 'Diaboliques', will no longer leave our public collections! An acquisition by the King Baudouin Foundation Heritage Fund.
Some 140 unpublished letters written by Maurice Maeterlinck (1862-1949) have been acquired by the Abbé Manoël de la Serna Fund. The letters provide us with fresh insight into the life of the famous writer.
Several of our patrons’ funds have acquired works of art or objects that bear witness to our past: an exceptional table fountain in Imari porcelain, a precious Tournai book of hours, almost 140 letters written by Maurice Maeterlinck and a pair of 19th century miniature portraits.
Thanks to its Heritage Fund, the Foundation has been able to acquire two drawings that are on show at the exhibition 'De Floris à Rubens'. The works are 'La Conversion de Saul' by Abraham van Diepenbeeck (1596-1675) and 'Jupiter et Callisto', a 16th century work made by an artist from the circle of Bernard van Orley and Pieter Coecke van Aelst.