
Celtic treasures recently discovered in the Netherlands are the subject of in-depth research. Among the treasures is the Gallic numismatic treasure of Thuin, acquired by the King Baudouin Foundation in 1992.

Four important historic dinners set in their original context. Discover the refinement of special occasion dinners between 1875 et 1958.

Olivier Defrance, historian and writer, enables us to re-live his action-packed mission as adviser to King Léopold II through his travel notebook, kept in the Goffinet archives.

To mark the safeguarding of the treasure of Oignies, the Heritage Fund has published a book about this unique collection of fifty pieces of silverware.

Het Fonds Belgische Stichting voor het auto-moto patrimonium brengt een heruitgave van 'Het Grote Boek van de Belgische Automobiel'.
The Belgian Foundation for Automobile and Motorbike Heritage Fund re-published the book 'Le Grand livre de l'Automobile belge'.
