Discover the world, between magic and realism, of the Belgian pioneer of animated film, Raoul Servais. Until March 6, the King Baudouin Foundation is holding an exhibition devoted to his work at the BELvue Museum. Entry is free. And if you can’t come to the museum in person, or if you’d like to re-live the emotions of your visit, a 360° virtual visit will enable you to plunge into the artist’s universe.
More information about the exhibition This exhibition is a homage to Raoul Servais, the Belgian pioneer of animated film. It presents some fifty original drawings, elements of decor, posters and even the early machines he used to make his films. The exhibition is an initiative of the King Baudouin Foundation to which the artist donated a large part of his graphic work in order to ensure it remained accessible to future generations. The exhibition is open until 6 March, 2022 at the BELvue Museum.