
World Book and Copyright Day is a great opportunity for us to honour some of the many books we have in our collection. Since its creation, the King Baudouin Foundation has striven to safeguard these. Come and discover these works as well as the fascinating work of conservation and research undertaken by our museum partners.

So how would you feel about the museums coming to your home? The King Baudouin Foundation is highlighting its museum partners by inviting you to discover some of the masterpieces of Belgian heritage. 

The Christian Bauwens Fund has acquired an exceptional 17th century ring. It will be exhibited at the DIVA. Unique in its type, the ring encloses a locket, which leaves an aura of mystery regarding its meaning.

This exceptional testimony to Belgian Surrealism has been published for the general public thanks to support from several of the King Baudouin Foundation’s patrons funds. The review Vendredi was acquired in 2012, thanks to the King Baudouin Foundation United States.

You can now support our museums by visiting their own collections through virtual visits that the museums are generously making available to us, as well as the King Baudouin Foundation’s gallery of masterpieces conserved in over 65 museum institutions. 
