What type of relationship exists between those who manage ethnographic heritage and the communities from which they originated? Experts share their experience and points of view on 14 and 15 April 2016.
Wat is er nodig – bij beleidsmakers, culturele instellingen én gevers – om mecenaat en fondsenwerving te stimuleren? De Koning Boudewijnstichting en FARO houden de geefcultuur in ons land tegen het licht en organiseren een 3delig colloquium. Schrijf u nu in voor het eerste deel dat op 6 juni doorgaat.
The award ceremony for the second René Carcan International Prize for Printmaking took place at the Bibliotheca Wittockiana. All of the works shortlisted by the jury will be exhibited there between 5 and 21 February 2016.
Thanks to its Heritage Fund, the Foundation has been able to acquire two drawings that are on show at the exhibition 'De Floris à Rubens'. The works are 'La Conversion de Saul' by Abraham van Diepenbeeck (1596-1675) and 'Jupiter et Callisto', a 16th century work made by an artist from the circle of Bernard van Orley and Pieter Coecke van Aelst.