
The Jean-Jacques Comhaire Prize has been awarded to François Mathis, a researcher at the European Centre for Archaeometry in Liege, for his project on the analysis, using non-invasive techniques, of the decoration of old objects made from copper alloys.

He thus becomes holder of the 2014 International Chair of the History of the Second World War (ULB)

Two platters and a teapot in Tournai porcelain, entrusted to the Royal Museum of Mariemont, are the subjects for an event on 29 March 2014

The personal diaries of Belgian novelist Dominique Rolin and her correspondence with Philippe Sollers have been saved for posterity.

The Foundation acquired this prestigious, early 15th century book of hours, which is typical of the pre-Eyckian output of workshops in Bruges during this period. The work has been entrusted to the Groeninge Museum as part of its permanent collection.
