As of Wednesday 26 August, you can discover the secrets of the Leuven Chansonnier in a brand new documentary produced by the Alamire Foundation together with AMUZ.
In 2016, the Léon Courtin-Marcelle Bouché Fund, managed by the King Baudouin Foundation, acquired an exceptional collection of 49 secular French songs dating from the 15th century and ending with a sacred song in Latin.
The work was entrusted to the Alamire Foundation, the international centre for the study of music from the Southern Netherlands. Since then, all the songs have been performed in concerts around the world, while numerous specialists have been working to lift the veil on the many mysteries surrounding the manuscript. What was the historical and artistic context to the work? Who owned or commissioned the songs? Who composed them?
A new documentary produced by the Alamire Foundation together with AMUZ provides new insights into the history of this precious manuscript, its songs and the mysteries surrounding it.