'Découvre le jardin des maladies avec Erasme'

10th of February 2014

Fourth-year students in two classes at the Athénée Bracops Lambert in Anderlecht and the Institut Notre Dame de Lourdes in Laeken have collaborated to create a website and a brochure as background information to a customized visit to the medicinal plant garden at the House of Erasmus. The website and the brochure describe the various plants and their medicinal virtues. To prepare their work, the students studied documentation about the habits and customs of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance and in particular works kept in the Royal Belgian Library.

The website and the brochure, which is free to all young visitors, are complementary. They were inaugurated at the House of Erasmus on 6 February, in the presence of all the students and their teachers, as well as the president of the Irène Heidebroek-Eliane van Duyse Fund.