Your philanthropic project
It is sometimes difficult to have an overall view of the various philanthropic options and to evaluate their advantages and disadvantages. However, if you are convinced about the importance of our heritage and would like to take your own project further, the Heritage Fund and Centre for Philanthropy can help you to develop a tailor-made formula that will guarantee total independence of decision. In such a case the project could benefit from fiscal advantages. The Heritage Fund ensures that any project that is implemented respects both the wishes of the donor and the philosophy that lies behind this philanthropic undertaking. It also aims to maximise the impact of each initiative undertaken within the Foundation’s heritage field.
Philanthropic options
The options we propose have already proved their worth over many years. They range from simply transmitting a work of art or a particular collection to future generations to providing financial support for a specific purpose. Our philanthropy experts are here to help you and lend support to your notary, legal advisor or private banker in the administrative procedures undertaken.
Named funds are those created by individual patrons with a long-term vision. The fund’s objectives are fixed by the founder him/herself and the management is completely autonomous. If required, such funds can benefit from logistical support from the King Baudouin Foundation.
Donating a work or collection can be undertaken whilst the owner is alive, through a manual donation, or after death through a bequest. In Belgium, the King Baudouin Foundation is subject to a preferential inheritance tax that enables donors to optimize their donation. Donations made in Belgium are tax-deductible from 40 euros.
A donors’ circle is a practical way of joint fundraising for a particular end. Members decide together which projects to support.
Heritage and succession planning: hand-given gifts, donations and bequests
The King Baudouin Foundation enjoys preferential tax status that enables it to maximize your contribution. Our philanthropy experts are available to help and support you in the procedures undertaken with your solicitor, legal advisor or banker.
It is possible to finance a ‘Friends of’ fund, either alone or together with other individuals, in order to broaden the field of action of a particular organization and ensure sustainable development.
Raising funds with your association or organisation for an innovative and creative cultural project
Cultural Project Account – Museum
Supports the promotion of collections. Museums that manage a public heritage collection in Belgium can open a Cultural Project Account for their specific project.
Not-for-profit associations, de facto associations and local groups can use a joint financial account for funds destined to support a unique project.
As a private individual, company or organization, you can raise funds to support local organizations in your town or region.
Corporate funds and charitable accounts
For companies, it is possible to structure philanthropic activities and delegate the management of the fund to the King Baudouin Foundation. Companies that have a long philanthropic tradition can opt for a charitable account, in which they place donations destined for projects undertaken by associations that do not benefit from tax relief.